In coronavirus antibody testing, quality matters

Beckman Coulter Dx

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Quality matters tremendously in antibody testing because they’re going to be used for big decisions. For example, if these tests are used to screen the population for convalescent plasma donors, we’d need to be sure that the plasma has high antibody levels, so the quality of that test matters - it matters tremendously to the patient receiving the plasma and to that patient's family.

The quality of antibody tests also matter when there is a vaccine available. The prevalence of #coronavirus in different communities will influence how the vaccine is rolled out, so it is very important to have tests with the highest sensitivity and specificity possible.

Some of the early tests that came out did not offer the market that, and that has engendered a lot of dialogue and even confusion about the use of antibody tests.

In this video, Julie Sawyer Montgomery, president of Beckman Coulter explains the importance of high-quality antibody testing.

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#COVID19 #Antibodytesting #IgG

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